Good luck to the OHS BB teams in Victoria tonight! Catch it live at
Results from JH BB against Victoria.
59-47 Osborne Girls A win
31-29 Victoria Girls B win
59-3 Victoria Boys A win
37-4 Victoria Boys B win
JH BB plays at home tonight against Victoria! Catch it live at
Good luck to the OHS Scholar Bowl team today in Tipton!
Results from HS girls basketball and wrestling today: Jv girls won 24-17
Varsity girls won 65-37. In wrestling, Chris Heise got 4th and Justin Widler got 3rd.
Results from basketball and wrestling from yesterday: Girls Varsity won over Thunder Ridge 67-36. Boys Varsity won over Thunder Ridge 47-28. Chris Heise got 3rd and Justin Widler went 3-2 in wrestling yesterday at Ellis. They compete at Minneapolis today.
OHS Ag students attended Landmark’s Career Day in Smith Center yesterday. OHS graduate, Lee Carlin, shared his experience with the scholarship program.
Good Luck to the HS girls basketball team as they travel to Stockton! They play Stockton in the HS gym. There are 2 quarters of JV girls at 3pm with the Varsity girls following. No boy's game. Live stream link:
Reminder, You can go to the USD 388 YouTube page to watch the wresting matches today starting at 3pm!
Wishing Good Luck to the HS Wrestling Team as they travel and compete in Ellis!
Results from the JH basketball teams VS Lakeside:
Girls Varsity won 31-13 and JV girls won 19-0
Boys Varsity lost 25-13, JV boys lost 27-12, and C team boys won 12-8
Wishing Good Luck to the JH Basketball team today as the travel and take on the Lakeside Knights!
Results from OHS BB last night in Stockton.
Girls: 65-34 over Lakeside
Boys: 51-40 over Lakeside
Sincere thanks to everyone who supported our Scholastic Book Fair! It was a successful event that helped promote the joy of reading. The proceeds will help us add new books to our library shelves. #BulldogPower
Good luck to the OHS BB teams at the Pre-Season tourney in Stockton! The Bulldogs will play Lakeside tonight in the JH gym. Varsity girls will start at 6pm with the boys following. There will not be live coverage of the tourney until Saturday.
Schedule for the Pre-Season Tourney in Stockton for OHS BB:
Tuesday, 12/7/21 - 6:00 pm - JH Gym - OHS vs Lakeside
Friday - 12/10/21 - 6:00 pm - JH Gym - OHS vs TRidge
Saturday - 12/11/21 - 3:00 pm - HS Gym -OHS vs Stockton. 2 qtrs of JV BEFORE the Varsity girls game.
Good luck to the OHS Scholar Bowl team today! They'll be competing in Hill City tonight.
Each month students who earn at least 10 AR points are entered in our Blast Off with Reading prize drawing. November prizes were sponsored by Landmark Implement and Poppy and Marigold. Congratulations to the winners! #BulldogPower
Results from OHS basketball versus Southern Cloud
JV Girls: 27-8 W
Varsity Girls: 83-2 W
JV Boys: 28-10 W
Varsity Boys: 66-22 W
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