Your donation to the Osborne County Community Foundation makes a difference for our school district. Did you know that since 2017 USD 392 has received $44,488 in grant funds from the Foundation? Help us give back! #BulldogPower

It's the perfect time to do some cleaning and donate your loose change! Our classrooms are competing to earn a pizza party and our school district wants to earn back the traveling county trophy by collecting the most donations. Can you help us out?

The Bulldogs played the Chase Katz on Friday night. Osborne was outstanding with the boys winning 100 to 25 and the girls winning 66 to 33. Good job OHS and good luck at Regionals.

It’s Pancake Race Day for our first graders! Students from Ms Stout and Ms Thibault’s classes took part in pancake races, just like those that historically happen in Liberal, Kansas, and Olney, England. #BulldogPower

Junior and senior high students were invited to go on a blind date with a book today. They were challenged to check out a wrapped book without knowing the title or genre. Don’t forget that the next AR deadline is March 12.

The State ACT test for Juniors will be made up on April 7th.

Congrats to Reagan Bales & Trinity Lutters for receiving II ratings at the State Piano contest on Saturday! Listen to their pieces with the following links!
https://youtu.be/8NCaega6uQg https://youtu.be/m7kxBZfKHjA

REGIONAL BASKETBALL TONIGHT has been moved to Wednesday @ 6pm

The ACT scheduled for today will be postponed.

Attention Box Top collectors! Please turn in your box tops to the grade school by THIS Thursday to allow enough shipping time for the next Box Top deadline.

Tomorrow is Penny Power Tuesday! Send your pennies to school. Your donation to the Osborne County Community Foundation makes a difference for our school district.Since 2017 USD 392 has received $44,488 in grant funds from the Foundation.

The High School wrestling Regionals on February 21 and 22 was at Norton KS. Bulldogs finished as follows...Lance Kaser 0-2, Chris Heise 1-2, and
Cameron Delaney 1-2. Good job Bulldogs and congrats on a great season!

On Thursday, JH wrestlers Sam and Kate Kendig went to Lincoln. Sam went 2-1 for the day and Kate went 2-2. Good job and best of luck later today at Beloit!

Osborne Bulldogs played Sylvan-Lucas on Tuesday, February 18. The OHS girls came out on top vs the Sylvan-Lucas Mustangs with the final score of 63-46. The JV boys won with the final score of 46-38.The OHS Varsity boys crushed the Mustangs with the final score of 87-49. Good job and good luck next games!

February is coming to a close and we want to finish out the Love Your Community challenge strong! Help us collect donations this week in our classrooms for the Osborne County Community Foundation and bring the traveling trophy back to USD 392. #BulldogPower

Wishing the Lady Dogs & Bulldogs good luck this week at Regional Basketball! Remember: admissions will be $7 for adults & $5 for students.

7th and 8th Grade Scholars Bowl teams dominated the Natoma Invitational meet. 7th Grade swept the floor with 450 points and a first. 8th Grade brought home a first too, with 390 points. Go Dogs!

7th and 8th Grade Scholars Bowl teams dominated the Natoma Invitational meet. 7th Grade swept the floor with 450 points and a first. 8th Grade brought home a first too, with 390 points. Go Dogs!

If you can't join us in cheering on the Osborne Bulldog wrestlers you can follow them at: www.nex-tech.com/gametime. They will be covering our regional at Norton. Wrestling starts at 2 p.m. tomorrow.

OJH students, Mrs Mans, Mrs Gier, and Mr Tiernan have been serving our community this week by helping Miss Karen at the library to prepare for new flooring!