There will be a HIGH SCHOOL volleyball parent/athlete meeting next Friday, August 14th at 7:30pm. Every volleyball parent/athlete needs to attend to watch and sign off for concussion training. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Rietzke.

OJH BULLPUP VOLLEYBALL will start Wednesday, August 19th from 3:30-5:00. A parent meeting will be announced at a later time.

Copies of this correspondence from Superintendent Langdon are being shared at enrollment, but can also be found via the USD 392 website. To view his letter, follow this link: https://5il.co/j839

Please take time to review the USD 392 Reopening Plan. Important information for your family is included regarding safety measures and procedures that will be in effect beginning August 19 when school begins.
Link to complete Reopening Plan: https://5il.co/j5ra

There will be a parent/athlete meeting next Friday, August 14th at 8pm. Every football parent/athlete needs to attend to watch and sign off for concussion training. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Tiernan.

USD 392 is hiring substitute teachers for this school year! Substitute teachers may be utilized for following lesson plans left by the classroom teacher or for supervising students while the classroom teacher instructs remotely. Please inquire at the district office at 346-2145 or kgrabast@usd392.com.

A message from the Osborne Education Association...

USD 392 online enrollment is open! Please note that enrollment for all students is a two-step process. A printable school supply list is available via this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U3C8uX3MYtyUP1PcbDl0PeWEJtYJmuZz/view?usp=sharing

Need a new Bulldog Power shirt? Now's your chance to order! Return your order form during enrollment or to akreider@usd392.com by August 7. Payment will be due when shirts are distributed and prices will be contingent upon the total quantity of orders.
Downloadable order form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/104e4n_FAvbi7fH_yIlNjNH806SIF4UUM/view?usp=sharing

Youth Sports Camp is coming up next week for 3rd-8th graders, focusing on volleyball and basketball skills. We are still needing more participants to hold the camp. Please sign up via the 'Osborne Youth Sports Camp' Google Form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJo_jYBhgVBpAEQZfn6g-ZLH-nE8ppm_BtUot1lMpuBsXXtQ/viewform?usp=sf_link) or call Coach Rietzke (785.302.0546) or Coach Lutters (620.846.0450). We will announce on Friday morning whether the youth camp will be held based on numbers.

A note from Mrs. Gier: Any JH FACS students who would like to enter their school projects into Open Class at the Osborne County Fair: Check in is Wednesday, July 22 from 7:30am -1:00 pm in the Butler Building.

The following positions are available in USD 392. If you have any questions, please call/email Kathy Grabast at 346-2145 or kgrabast@usd392.com.

Congratulations to the 2020-2021 OHS Cheerleading team!

📣 Attention Cheerleaders interested in trying out for the 2020-2021 team 📣
Please fill out the Google tryout form attached to this post!

There will be no summer meals on Friday, July 3 at the Osborne Elementary School. No breakfast or lunch on Friday. But will be back on the normal serving schedule on Monday, July 6! Have a happy 4th of July weekend!

New gym floors are being redone this week, so the gym is closed June 29-July 5th.

♥️ ⭐️ Attention 9-12 girls interested in trying out for next years team ⭐️ ♥️
Please fill out the Google tryout form attached: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOtx-bsQljrWSIJ2ktHTfjdasZTTxrrH2Lgb9tFsSEM0bo_w/viewform

Reminder for Graduation TOMORROW:
Bring lawn chairs as the audience will be sitting on the football field.
Bathrooms will be closed.
In case of bad weather, stay tuned to our social medias.

Summer sewing class with Mrs. Gier! Recycling jeans into designer pillows 👍🏼

Now Hiring:
Part time 7-12 English teacher
JH Assistant Boys Basketball Coach
Please apply at the district office. For questions, call 346-2145.