Thanks to all who supported the OHS Junior Class by participating in the Blackstone Grill raffle. Congratulations to the winner -- Cheryl Goheen!
Is your family getting enough sleep? Here are tips from our community partner, K-State Extension, about the positive impact of sufficient sleep. #BulldogPower
Good luck today at the NPL tourney in Beloit, Lady Dogs!
State tennis update:
Gracie Lost to Kadeckova of Wichita Independent 9-4
Blair lost to Schroller of Marysville, 9-2
Congratulations to both ladies on a great season!
Chihuly inspired sculpture hits the art room!!
State tennis update:
Gracie over Gilkey of Kiowa County 6-1,6-2
Blair over Cupp of Scott City 6-1, 6-4
JH update from last night's Thunder Ridge game:
FB: TRidge over Osborne 28-22
C Team: Tridge over Osborne 7-21
B Team: Osborne over TRidge 25-18, 25-21
A Team: Osborne over TRidge 25-7, 25-20
XC competes in Downs today for both the Lakeside meet and the NPL meet! Good luck, OHS runners!
Students in grades 6-12 had an assembly on the Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge today, introducing this new opportunity for OHS/OJH students! Thank you to Sarah Larosh from Network Kansas and Addison Greene-Russell from Smith Center Junior/Senior High for presenting today!
OJH hosts the Thunder Ridge Longhorns tonight in VB and FB. Catch them live at Good luck, Bullpups!
USD392: Elementary School Portraits were delivered today! Check your kiddos backpacks...we hope they give you as many smiles as they did us!! OJH & OHS parents expects yours at the beginning of next week!
Take STATE, Lady Dogs!
Sendoff TODAY at 11:50!
Football against Southern Cloud for Friday, October 15, has been cancelled due to lack of players on the opponent side.
FCA tomorrow morning!
Good luck to the FFA team competing in Dairy Cattle judging at Bird City today!
VB results from Tuesday, October 12
JV over Rock Hills: 25-13 & 25-10
Varsity over Chase: 25-14, 25-11
Varsity over Rock Hills: 25-19, 25-18
Who can build the tallest marshmallow/toothpick tower?
Mrs Kaser’s 2nd grade STEM project was quite the yummy feat today!
Thank you to Sunflower Bank for the donation to USD 392! These funds were generated based on debit card usage, accounts opened during the ABC promotion and grade card matches!
HS VB is at home tonight versus Chase & Rock Hills. Matches start at 4. It's also Parents Night for Volleyball, Tennis, & Cross Country. Catch all the action live at Good luck, Lady Dogs!