Scholars' Bowl team getting first place at regionals

Well now, not done yet.  Seniors Clay Guttery, Kate Kendig, Grace William, and Wyatt Wilston with Junior Mary Carlin traveled to Ellis High School to compete in the KSHSAA sanctioned Regional High School Varsity Scholars Bowl.  In so doing they extended their season by one more meet.  This team of competitors earned a place in the grand finale of every Scholars Bowl  season, the KSHSAA State Championship.  Only twelve 1A Division 1 teams earned a spot in this final opportunity to demonstrate what they have gleaned in their years of education and how fast they can buzz in to give an answer.  These Bulldogs earned a berth in this final competition by besting every team they competed against.  The team competed in six regular rounds and five final rounds and won every round.  They ended the day undefeated.  It was something to watch.  Way to go team. 

      Congratulations to the team on a job well done.  Also congratulations to the teachers that have touched the lives of this Scholars Bowl team.  Students don't learn all they need to know in order to win eleven consecutive rounds of challenging questions in just a few years of high school and some Scholars Bowl practices.  It began early in grade school with teachers instructing them how to read, write, listen, do math , english, study, etc. It likewise began early with parents teaching responsibility, fortitude,steadfastness and giving them encouragement. It requires a whole host to shape and mold a group into a team of Scholars as this team has become.  Thus, congratulations parents and teachers on achieving an OHS Scholars Bowl team that has earned a place in the 2025 KSHSAA State Scholars Bowl Championship to be hosted by Lincoln High School Saturday, February 15 at12:00 pm. 

        As for the guy who drove the van you can give him accolades for keeping the rusty side down and not overly exceeding the posted limits of distance versus time.  Go Dogs !!

Submitted by G. Rush